Saturday, 31 July 2010

Last night

I had fun at The George Tavern yesterday evening, I hope you did too. A big pile of people turned up which I was pleased about and Samir and Samuel Jacob did my compositions proud, I think.

If anyone has any pictures of my set, I'd love to see them. Tag me on Facebook, or something.

Here is a (poor quality) picture of Electricity In Our Homes onstage.

Sunday, 25 July 2010

Last Call for the 30th

If you haven't already clicked 'Attending' with regards to the Electricity In Our Homes/Murder Act/Joseph Coward/Bastard Sword show, where have you been?

The Facebook event is here, say "yes!" to exciting new music.

I've also decided to do a short DJ set towards the end of the night, which will include tunes from the likes of Sonic Youth, Miss Cosmos and Trent Reznor. Get me.

Anyway, I'll see you there.

Thursday, 22 July 2010

Wolfgang Smash

It's always a pleasant surprise when I hear a song that doesn't sound like the sort of music I hear every day. It's an even nicer surprise when the artist creating the new music is not forcing himself upon web users and friends, and trying to run before he's figured out he can walk.

This is the case with Joel Amey, alias Wolfgang Smash, better known for his membership with the rock group, Mafia Lights. His solo efforts remind me of Thom Yorke's electronic experiments on The Eraser, amongst other things.

Watch a video Joel made to accompany a track he calls "New Project 1".

Monday, 19 July 2010


Here's a picture of Samir from Flats and Blue On Blue. We were playing some songs together yesterday; he's going to be drumming for me when I support EIOH next week, which I think is quite fun.

Friday, 16 July 2010

Dear Blogosphere,

Just writing to apologise for my long web absence; I've been very busy with the EP's release and I promise to post more frequently from now on.

In any case, I have a couple of things to share: firstly, an Australian online magazine is profiling me as part of an article about new and totally hip musicians. It's called, the article will be posted later this week so keep an eye out. Secondly, you really should come to see me support Electricity In Our Homes on the 30th at the George Tavern, The Murder Act will be playing too and it's going to be a blast. No, really.

I hope to see you soon,

