Dear all: having recently gone through a period in which I have done next to nothing, I've resolved to be a lot more productive over the coming weeks. I've rid myself of the Internet-based bane of my life, otherwise known as Facebook, and have redoubled my efforts to read and write music with much more frequency.
I'll be back in the studio this week with drummer/percussionist Arran Goodchild to brush up for our upcoming trip from London to Wrexham to London to Brighton, with my good friend Tim Burgess and his fellow Charlatan Mark Collins. As you may have seen from the advertised live appearances on MySpace, I will be joining the duo three times on the first leg of their acoustic tour. Accompanying me will be my long-time friends, bubblegumsters Blue On Blue. Singer Dee Sekar was the first person I gravitated towards on arrival in London, so it feels appropriate that we should be venturing out of the city together with our music.