I used to be in a band called Picture Pretty with my best friend (I think I posted some time ago about a cassette we released through northern label Tye Die Tapes), and although we moved on fairly quickly to a much more pop territory, we started making out-and-out noise music - think a very crude Melt Banana mixed with a very heavy and completely technically incompetent Throbbing Gristle.
I've recently started revisiting this kind of sound with a little side-project I'm calling The Measles. It's less defined and much more guitar based than Picture Pretty, perhaps you'll like it. Visit my Soundcloud page to listen to and download a "song" called "Feeling Better". It's not a serious project, though I do feel that I'd like to develop it a little further and perhaps release a very loud record by The Measles, perhaps this time next year if I can fit it in.

Me as a very noisy sixteen-year-old with Picture Pretty